This page last changed on Dec 14, 2004 by plightbo.

WebWork 2.1.1 Release Notes

Key Changes

  • Improved integration with Sitemesh
    • WebWork taglibs can be used in Sitemesh decorators to access Action properties
  • Validator short-circuiting to allow validation to stop on first invalid data
  • Improved class hierarchy resource bundle searching
  • File upload support has been rebuilt to allow for multiple files with the same HTTP parameter name. Besides "cos" and "pell" support, "jakarta" support has been added, utilizing the Commons-FileUpload library. Only "jakarta" supports multiple files with the same HTTP parameter name. In future versions "jakarta" may become the default upload library, replacing "pell".

Migration Notes

Version Description Old Code New Code
2.1 There is a new validator DTD: xwork-validator-1.0.2.dtd. You aren't required to use this, but you will need to if you wish to use the new short-circuiting validation N/A N/A
2.1 File upload support has been rebuilt, although we don't see any compatibility problems with 2.1. However, many of the methods in MultiPartRequest have become deprecated in favor of new ones. Please switch to these as soon as possible. N/A N/A


WebWork 2.1.1

OpenSymphony JIRA (25 issues)
T Key Summary
Bug WW-648 Client-side validation doesn't allow cancelling
Improvement WW-647 Client-side validation: show all validation errors
New Feature WW-646 HTML Editor Component
Bug WW-635 Components and HttpSession persistence/distribution
New Feature WW-598 Add ability to map exceptions to pages (or actions)
Bug WW-596 IllegalArgumentException when setting an indexed property
Bug WW-591 Wrong output when using nesting #bodytags (with a custom tag)
Improvement WW-589 Printer-friendly of all documentatioon
Bug WW-588 Unexpected behaviour of SessionMap.clear()
New Feature WW-574 ActionButton and ActionLink UI tags
Bug WW-570 Table tag parameters and sorting
New Feature WW-558 Exception Handler Interceptor and Exception Action
Bug WW-557 Generator Tag doesn't work properly
Improvement WW-556 Allow ComponentManager scopes to be independant
Improvement WW-555 Disable logging by default
New Feature WW-540 Add a ServletFilter to clean up the ActionContext, allowing Sitemesh decorators to use the ActionContext with the taglib
Bug WW-536 Lost the session on OC4J 9.0.4 using WebWork2
Bug WW-533 Add support for Velocity 1.4 - Changes WebWork directives
Improvement WW-528 Switch to using VelocityViewServlet from VelocityTools
Bug WW-527 Multiple components with same <class> but different <enabler> throws exception
Bug WW-520 Wrong &amp; management in XML based output (WML and XHTML)
Bug WW-513 IOC Application and Session scopes do not work in Tomcat 5
Improvement WW-511 Support a list of resource bundles on i18n tag
Bug WW-507 "command" parameter isn't honored for command driven actions
New Feature WW-506 Param tag should try to get parameters from the original request as well

Xwork 1.0.2

OpenSymphony JIRA (15 issues)
T Key Summary
Improvement XW-210 Make default type conversion message a localized text that can be overidden
Bug XW-205 missing xwork 1.0.2 dtd in jar and website and typo in ValidationInterceptor
Improvement XW-204 TextProvider.getText() should look in child property files
Improvement XW-203 Add "trim" parameter to string validators
Bug XW-202 Integer and Float conversion dont work in CVS HEAD
Bug XW-200 i18n broken when the name of the text to find starts with a property exposed by the action
Improvement XW-195 Add interface XWorkStatics which contains XWork-related constants from WebWorkStatics
Improvement XW-194 Patch to help LocalizedTextUtil deal with messages for indexed fields (collections)
Improvement XW-193 InstantiatingNullHandler and Typeconversion fails
Improvement XW-192 Create a version 1.0.2 of the XWork validation DTD with short circuit
Improvement XW-191 Type conversion improvement.
Improvement XW-190 Provide a xwork-default.xml.
Improvement XW-189 Improve ActionValidationManager's short circuit behaviour
Improvement XW-179 Optimise OgnlUtil.copy method
New Feature XW-172 XWorkBasicConverter doesn't care about the current locale

Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36